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Adobe. 2007. ActionScript Virtual Machine 2 (AVM2) Overview. Adobe Systems Incorporated., 45 Park Avenue San Jose, CA 95110 (May). non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 11 Aug. 2014 23:15:28).

Adobe. 2013. Flash Player penetration. Web page. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 15 March 2013 11:45:33). Original date of the Web page is unknown. The data is from 2011.

ADsafe. 2007. Making JavaScript Safe for Advertising. Web site. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 5 Jan. 2009 15:53:30, this is the earliest archived version of this site. Subsequent archived versions include additional information).

A.V. Aho, B.W. Kernighan, and P.J. Weinberger. 1988. The AWK Programming Language. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. 9780201079814 lc87017566 Archived at

Jeremy Allaire. 2002. Macromedia Flash MXÐA next-generation rich client. Macromedia white paper. March 2002. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 2 Sept. 2018 12:14:22). This white paper contains the earliest known use of the term łRich Internet Applicationž.

Ben Alman. 2010. Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE). Blog post. 15 Nov. 2010. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 18 Nov. 2010 03:54:34).

Tim Anderson. 2007. Mark Anders Remembers Blackbird, and Other Microsoft Hits and Misses. Blog post on Tim Anderson’s ITWriting Blog. 15 Oct. 2007. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 4 Oct. 2008 23:31:15).

ANSI X3. 1989. American National Standard for Information Systems—programming language—C: ANSI X3.159—1989. American National Standards Institute, New York, New York. Also ISO/IEC 9899:1990.

ANSI X3J20. 1998. American National Standard for Information Technology—Programming Languages—Smalltalk: ANSI INCITS 319-1998. American National Standards Institute, New York, New York.

Apple Computer. 1988. Hypercard Script Language Guide: The Hypertalk Language. Addison Wesley Publishing Company.

Erik Arvidsson. 2015. ECMAScript Object.observe spec. GitHub project repository. 14 Sept. 2015. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 20 Nov. 2015 01:02:05).

Jeremy Ashkenas. 2009. CoffeeScript, a little language that compiles to JavaScript. Happy Holidays, HN. Posting to Hacker News discussion forum. 24 Dec. 2009. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 27 Dec. 2009 02:36:51).

Jeremy Ashkenas. 2010. CoffeeScript 1.0. Online manual. 24 Dec. 2010. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 30 Dec. 2010 11:17:19).

Jeremy Ashkenas. 2011. jashkenas / minimalist-classes.js. GitHub Gist. 31 Oct. 2011. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 13 Dec. 2013 04:17:13).

Jeremy Ashkenas et al. 2011. List of languages that compile to JS. Github Wiki Page. 6 Jan. 2011. non-archival (superseded). Archived at Internet Archive 27 March 2019 01:24:11 (this is the first version of the list).

Jeremy Ashkenas et al. 2018. List of languages that compile to JS. Github Wiki Page. 10 July 2018. non-archival (link to current list; also at Internet Archive 27 March 2019 01:32:27, list as of July 2018).

Ihab A.B. Awad. 2010a. EMaker style modules for ECMAScript. Ecma/TC39/2010/004. 28 Feb. 2010. Presentation at TC39 meeting.

Ihab A.B. Awad. 2010b. Module proposals status. es-discuss mailing list. 18 May 2010. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 5 June 2014 01:09:25).

Ihab A.B. Awad. 2010c. Strawman: Modules Emaker Style. wiki. 27 Jan. 2010. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 6 Feb. 2010 04:42:45).

Ihab A.B. Awad and Kris Kowal. 2009. Presentation on Modules. Ecma/TC39/2009/012. 29 Jan. 2009.

Babel Project. 2015. Web site. 15 Feb. 2015. non-archival (current site; also at Internet Archive 15 Feb. 2015 18:16:40, original site contents).

Adam Barth, Joel Weinberger, and Dawn Song. 2009. Cross-Origin JavaScript Capability Leaks: Detection, Exploitation, and Defense. In 18th USENIX Security Symposium, Montreal, Canada, August 10-14, 2009, Proceedings, Fabian Monrose (Ed.). USENIX Association, 187-198. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 14 Aug. 2017 10:41:16).

Jon Bentley. 1986. Programming Pearls: Little Languages. Commun. ACM 29, 8 (Aug.), 711-721. 0001-0782

Tim Berners-Lee. 2003. A Brief History of the Web. W3C web page. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 15 Nov. 2019 11:53:52).

Nino Bilic. 2007. Happy 10th birthday, Outlook Web Access! Microsoft Exchange Team Blog. 13 June 2007. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 8 July 2019 21:43:19).

John Borland. 2003. Browser wars: High price, huge rewards. (15 April). non-archival (also at Internet Archive 21 Dec. 2014 07:45:10).

Borland International. 1996. Proposed JavaScript Extensions. Ecma/TC39/1996/006. 22 Nov. 1996.

Bert Bos. 2005. "JavaScript, the worst invention ever". Web page. 8 May 2005. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 30 April 2006 04:12:47).

Jon Byous. 1998. Happy 3rd Birthday! website. 23 May 1998. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 24 Feb. 1999 05:34:07). This article was later renamed to Java Technology: An Early History.

Caja Project. 2012. Google Caja. website. 28 Feb. 2012. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 15 Nov. 2012 02:37:36).

Jonathan Cardy. 2011. A Collection of JavaScript Gotchas. The Code Project website. 2 Dec. 2011. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 3 Feb. 2012 00:35:12).

Patrick J. Caudill and Allen Wirfs-Brock. 1986. A Third Generation Smalltalk-80 Implementation. In Conference Proceedings on Object-oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications (Portland, Oregon, USA) (OOPSLA ’86). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 119-130. 0-89791-204-7

Manuel Clavel, Francisco Durán, Steven Eker, Patrick Lincoln, Narciso Martí-Oliet, José Meseguer, and Carolyn Talcott. 2003. The Maude 2.0 System. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (Valencia, Spain) (RTA’03). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 76-87. 3-540-40254-3

Andrew Clinick. 1997. Proposal for Conditional Compile Support in ECMAScript. Ecma/TC39/1997/033. 11 July 1997.

Andrew Clinick. 1999. ECMA TC39 and Working Group meetings - 29/30 March 1999. Ecma TC39wg tcn9903. 30 March 1999.

Andrew Clinick. 2000. Introducing JScript .NET. Microsoft Scripting Clinic column. 14 July 2000. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 30 Aug. 2018 11:06:29).

CommonJS Project. 2009. Modules/1.0. CommonJS Wiki. 22 April 2009. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 7 April 2019 19:26:43).

William R. Cook. 2007. AppleScript. In Proceedings of the Third ACM SIGPLAN Conference on History of Programming Languages (San Diego, California) (HOPL III). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1-1-1-21. 978-1-59593-766-7

Mike Cowlishaw (Ed.). 1998. ECMA-262, 2nd Edition: ECMAScript Language Specification. Ecma International, Geneva, Switzerland (Aug.)., 2nd edition, August 1998.pdf

Mike Cowlishaw (Ed.). 1999a. ECMA-262, 3rd Edition: ECMAScript Language Specification. Ecma International, Geneva, Switzerland (Dec.)., 3rd edition, December 1999.pdf

Mike Cowlishaw. 1999b. ECMAScript E3 draft status [1999.04.08]. Ecma/TC39/1999/003. 8 April 1999.

Mike Cowlishaw. 1999c. ECMAScript E3 draft status [1999.08.03]. Ecma TC39wg 990803-e3status. 3 Aug. 1999.

Mike Cowlishaw et al. 1998. ECMAScript Language Specification, Version 2 Working Draft (with change bars). Ecma TC39 working document. 22 April 1998.

Douglas Crockford. 2001a. JavaScript: The World’s Most Misunderstood Programming Language. Web page. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 10 Aug. 2002 19:25:30).

Douglas Crockford. 2001b. JSLINT The JavaScript Verifier. Web page. non-archival (superseded; also at Internet Archive 1 May 2002 09:03:02). page relocated in 2005: non-archival

Douglas Crockford. 2001c. JSMIN The JavaScript Minifier. Web page. 11 Sept. 2001. non-archival (current version; also at Internet Archive 5 April 2002 14:04:16, original version).

Douglas Crockford. 2001d. Private Members in JavaScript. Web page. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 10 Aug. 2002 19:33:24).

Douglas Crockford. 2001e. A Survey of the JavaScript Programming Language. Web page. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 5 June 2002 05:31:45).

Douglas Crockford. 2002a. Classical Inheritance in JavaScript. Web page. Sept. 2002. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 16 Oct. 2002 17:12:01).

Douglas Crockford. 2002b. Introducing JSON. Web page. Dec. 2002. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 28 Feb. 2003 03:41:47).

Douglas Crockford. 2002c. JSON in JavaScript. Web page. Dec. 2002. non-archival (broken). Archived at Internet Archive 11 Jan. 2003 19:41:20

Douglas Crockford. 2002d. Recommendations for Modifications to the ECMAScript Language Specification. Web page. 4 Jan. 2002. non-archival (superseded; also at Internet Archive 5 April 2002 14:32:50).

Douglas Crockford. 2003. The Little JavaScripter. Web page. non-archival (superseded; also at Internet Archive 8 April 2003 00:03:36).

Douglas Crockford. 2006. Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript. Web page. 7 June 2006. non-archival (updated 7 March 2008; also at Internet Archive 20 Oct. 2008 05:59:23). Original version archived on 16 June 2006 Internet Archive 16 June 2006

Douglas Crockford. 2007a. Re: ECMAScript 4 Language Overview White Paper (21 Oct. 2007, 11:31 AM). Message to TC39-TG1 private mailing list. Archived by Ecma International.

Douglas Crockford. 2007b. Recommendations for Modifications to the ECMAScript Language Specification (2007-4-21). Web page. 21 April 2007. non-archival (superseded; also at Internet Archive 7 June 2007 17:26:21).

Douglas Crockford. 2007c. Recommendations for Modifications to the ECMAScript Language Specification (2007-4-4). Web page. 4 April 2007. non-archival (superseded; also at Internet Archive 6 April 2007 06:37:23).

Douglas Crockford. 2007d. Recommendations for Modifications to the ECMAScript Language Specification (2007-6-21). Web page. 21 June 2007. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 14 Aug. 2007 04:51:17).

Douglas Crockford. 2008a. es3.1 goals. wiki. 26 Feb. 2008. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 13 Oct. 2016 19:48:29).

Douglas Crockford. 2008b. JavaScript: The Good Parts. O’Reilly Media, Inc. 0596517742

Douglas Crockford. 2008c. The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Premature Standardization. Yahoo! User Interface Blog. 14 Aug. 2008. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 17 Aug. 2008 15:15:45).

Douglas Crockford. 2008d. Secure ECMAScript. Ecma/TC39/2008/086. Aug. 2008.

Douglas Crockford. 2019a. Website. May 2019. non-archival Archived at Internet Archive 16 Feb. 2020 09:47:15

Douglas Crockford. 2019b. Minify. Blog post. 5 May 2019. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 11 May 2019 18:59:04).

Douglas Crockford, Pratap Lakshman, and Allen Wirfs-Brock. 2007. Proposal to Refocus TC39-TG1 On the Maintenance of the ECMAScript 3rd Edition Specification. wiki. 16 March 2007.

Ryan Dahl. 2009. (Non-archival) Node.js. Video of presentation at the European JavaScript Conference. 7 Nov. 2009. non-archival (retrieved 7 March 2019)

Kevin Dangoor. 2009. What Server Side JavaScript needs. Blog post. 29 Jan. 2009. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 31 Jan. 2009 20:07:16).

Kevin Dangoor. 2010. CommonJS: the First Year. Blog post. 29 Jan. 2010. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 1 Feb. 2010 03:18:49).

Olivier Danvy. 2005. Transcript of Q&A following Brendan Eich ICFP 2005 keynote. Comment on blog post. 27 Oct. 2005. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 5 March 2011 18:57:51).

Ilana Dashevsky and Vicki Balzano. 2008. James Webb Space Telescope ground to flight interface design. In 2008 IEEE Aerospace Conference. IEEE, IEEE, 1-7.

Domenic Denicola. 2014. ModuleImport. es-discuss mailing list. 19 June 2014. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 23 July 2014 23:15:52).

Domenic Denicola. 2016. Adding JavaScript modules to the web platform. Blog post on The WHATWG Blog. 13 April 2016. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 14 April 2016 00:50:24).

Ken Dickey. 1992. Scheming with objects. AI Expert 7, 10, 24-33. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 16 Dec. 1999 14:28:10).

Darcy DiNucci. 1999. Fragmented Future. Print 53, 4. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 16 Nov. 2011 23:46:36).

Chris Dollin. 2002. Spice language manual. HP Labs Technical Report HPL-2002-229. 30 Oct. 2002. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 31 Aug. 2003 04:58:04).

Jeff Dyer. 2008a. ES4 work. ES4-discuss mailing list. 15 Feb. 2008. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 5 June 2014 05:48:10).

Jeff Dyer. 2008b. Packages must go. ES4-discuss mailing list. 17 April 2008. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 5 June 2014 05:21:32).

Ecma International. 1996a. Invitation and venue for the start-up meeting on a project on Java Script. Ecma/TC39/1996/001. 19 Sept. 1996.

Ecma International. 1996b. Minutes for the Ecma Co-ordinating Committee, Sept. 19-20, 1996. Ecma/GA/1996/083. 19 Sept. 1996.

Ecma International. 1997. Minutes for the 73rd General Assembly, 26-27 June 1997. Ecma/GA/1997/063 (excerpts). 26 June 1997.

Ecma International. 1999. Minutes for the 78th General Assembly, 16-17 Dec. 1997. Ecma/GA/1999/137 (excerpts). 16 Dec. 1999.

Ecma International. 2004. Ecma International Approves ECMAScript for XML. Press Release Ecma/GA/2004/148. 20 July 2004.

Ecma International. 2007a. Minutes for the meeting of the Co-ordinating Committee, 23-24 October 2007. Ecma/GA/2007/202 (excerpts). 24 Oct. 2007.

Ecma International. 2007b. Minutes for the meeting of the Co-ordinating Committee, 9-10 May 2007. Ecma/GA/2007/088 (excerpts). 10 May 2007.

Ecma International. 2008. Press Release: TC39 coalesces on future direction of Web Programming Language. Ecma/TC39/2008/073. 19 Aug. 2008.

Ecma International. 2009a. Ecma International approves major revision of ECMAScript. Press Release Ecma/GA/2009/204. 15 Dec. 2009. Archived at

Ecma International. 2009b. Minutes of the 98th meeting of the Ecma General Assembly, 3 December 2009. Ecma/GA/2009/203 (excerpts). 3 Dec. 2009.

Ecma International. 2015a. At the June 17, 2015 Ecma General Assembly in Montreux, ECMA-262 6th edition - ECMAScript 2015 Language Specification and ECMA-402 2nd edition - ECMAScript 2015 Internationalization API have been adopted. Press Release. 2 July 2015.

Ecma International. 2015b. Minutes of the 98th meeting of the Ecma General Assembly, 17 June 2015. Ecma/GA/2015/065-Rev1 (excerpts). June 2015.

Brendan Eich. 2004. The non-world non-wide non-web. Blog post. 4 June 2004. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 11 April 2011 02:14:44).

Brendan Eich. 2005a. JavaScript 1, 2, and in between. Blog post. 13 June 2005. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 7 Aug. 2011 19:55:50).

Brendan Eich. 2005b. JavaScript at Ten Years. ICFP’05 Keynote presentation slide deck. 26 Sept. 2005. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 25 July 2011 10:53:50).

Brendan Eich. 2005c. JS2 Design Notes. Blog post. 9 Nov. 2005. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 7 Aug. 2011 19:56:35).

Brendan Eich. 2005d. Recap and Prelude. Blog post. 27 Oct. 2005. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 5 March 2011 18:57:51).

Brendan Eich. 2006a. JavaScript2 And The Future Of The Web. XTech 2006 presentation slide deck. 19 May 2006. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 27 May 2006 21:59:09).

Brendan Eich. 2006b. Will there be a suggested file suffix for es4? es-discuss mailing list. 3 Oct. 2006. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 22 May 2011 17:00:37).

Brendan Eich. 2007a. New Projects. Brendan’s Roadmap Updates blog post. 25 July 2007. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 23 Aug. 2007 19:42:37).

Brendan Eich. 2007b. RE: Refocus (16 March 2007, 10:42 PM). Message to TC39-TG1 private mailing list. Archived by Ecma International.

Brendan Eich. 2007c. RE: Refocus (16 March 2007, 4:22 PM). Message to TC39-TG1 private mailing list. Archived by Ecma International.

Brendan Eich. 2007d. TG1 Convener’s Report to TC39. Ecma/TC39-TG1/2007/001. 7 Sept. 2007.

Brendan Eich. 2008a. Allen’s lambda syntax proposal. es-discuss mailing list. 29 Nov. 2008. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 18 July 2010 15:22:18).

Brendan Eich. 2008b. ECMAScript Harmony. es-discuss mailing list. 13 Aug. 2008. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 22 May 2011 17:16:41).

Brendan Eich. 2008c. Popularity. Blog post. April 2008. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 4 Feb. 2015 16:07:55).

Brendan Eich. 2009a. harmony:harmony. wiki. 27 July 2009. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 18 Aug. 2009 15:34:47).

Brendan Eich. 2009b. Improving ECMAScript as a compilation target. es-discuss mailing list. 4 May 2009. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 5 June 2014 02:53:59).

Brendan Eich. 2009c. Presentation on modules. es-discuss mailing list. 7 Nov. 2009. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 5 June 2014 02:18:05).

Brendan Eich. 2009d. Strawman: catchalls. wiki. 4 May 2009. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 29 Sept. 2009 03:34:07).

Brendan Eich. 2010a. harmony:harmony. wiki. 28 April 2010. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 1 July 2010 21:41:35).

Brendan Eich. 2010b. three small proposals: the bikeshed cometh! es-discuss mailing list. 29 April 2010. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 5 June 2014 01:24:40).

Brendan Eich. 2011a. BrendanEich/minimalist-classes.js Less minimalism, richer leather. GitHub Gist. 1 Nov. 2011. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 24 July 2014 03:50:15).

Brendan Eich. 2011b. Harmony of My Dreams. Blog post. Jan. 2011. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 30 Jan. 2011 23:34:27).

Brendan Eich. 2011c. My JSConf.US Presentation. Blog post. 4 May 2011. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 8 May 2011 05:20:26).

Brendan Eich. 2011d. New JavaScript Engine Module Owner. Blog post. 21 June 2011. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 20 March 2019 11:24:31).

Brendan Eich. 2011e. New JavaScript Engine Module Owner. Slide deck for presentation at CapitolJS conference. 18 Sept. 2011. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 9 Oct. 2011 04:23:38).

Brendan Eich. 2011f. Strawman: arrow function syntax. wiki. 2 May 2011. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 9 May 2011 07:01:04).

Brendan Eich. 2011g. Strawman: block lambda revival. wiki. 20 May 2011. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 15 June 2011 16:18:17).

Brendan Eich. 2012a. Class declarations. es-discuss mailing list. 16 March 2012. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 4 June 2014 18:01:55).

Brendan Eich. 2012b. Harmony: arrow function syntax. wiki. 26 May 2012. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 7 June 2012 07:47:19).

Brendan Eich. 2012c. u. es-discuss mailing list. 15 March 2012. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 4 June 2014 17:58:22).

Brendan Eich. 2013. Value Objects. Ecma/TC39/2013/040. 25 July 2013.

Brendan Eich et al. 1998. SpiderMonkey JS 1.4 source code. Mozilla snapshot of SpiderMonkey JS 1.4 source code. Oct. 1998. non-archival (retrieved 5 June 2019; also at Internet Archive 5 June 2019 18:58:32).

Brendan Eich et al. 2008. TC39 coalesces on future direction of Web Programming Language. Ecma/TC39/2008/074. 19 Aug. 2008.

Brendan Eich et al. 2012. The Narcissus meta-circular JavaScript interpreter. GitHub repository. Feb. 2012. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 7 Aug. 2013 22:04:22).

Brendan Eich and C. Rand McKinney. 1996. JavaScript Language Specification. Ecma/TC39/1996/002. 18 Nov. 1996.

ES5conform. 2009. ECMAScript 5 Conformance Suite. Codeplex project. 22 June 2009. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 1 July 2009 02:26:40). Zip file of final ES5conform project artifacts including source code Internet Archive 5 July 2018

Erik Fair. 1998. JavaScript Must Be Eradicated From The Web. Web page. 4 Dec. 1998. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 25 May 2000 09:07:14).

Robert Bruce Findler and Matthias Felleisen. 2002. Contracts for Higher-order Functions. In Proceedings of the Seventh ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (Pittsburgh, PA, USA) (ICFP ’02). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 48-59. 1-58113-487-8

Cormac Flanagan. 2006. Hybrid Type Checking. In Conference Record of the 33rd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (Charleston, South Carolina, USA) (POPL ’06). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 245-256. 1-59593-027-2

Cormac Flanagan. 2008. ES-Harmony Class System Proposal. wiki. Nov. 2008. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 8 Sept. 2010 00:46:06).

Richard P Gabriel. 1990. Lisp: Good News, Bad News, How to Win Big (keynote), European Conference on the Practical Applications of Lisp, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, March 1990. reprinted in AI Expert, June 1991, pp. 31-39. March 1990. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 2 July 2019 10:03:53).

Andreas Gal et al. 2009. Trace-based just-in-time type specialization for dynamic languages. Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming language design and implementation - PLDI ’09. 9781605583921

Jesse James Garrett. 2005. Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications. Feb. 2005. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 10 Sept. 2015 07:23:59).

Bill Gates. 1995. The Internet Tidal Wave. Internal Microsoft Memo published on Letters of Note web site. 26 May 1995. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 24 July 2011 18:44:30).

Jonathan Gay. 2006. History of Flash. Adobe Showcase. May 2006. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 3 May 2006 17:53:13).

General Magic. 1995. Telescript Language Reference. General Magic Inc., Sunnyvale, CA (Oct.). non-archival (also at Internet Archive 5 May 2010 12:51:10).

Bill Gibbons et al. 1999. ECMAScript Language Specification, Edition 3 Final Draft. Ecma TC39 working document. 25 Aug. 1999.

Richard Gillam. 1998. I18N meeting minutes. Ecma TC39 working document. 18 Nov. 1998.

Richard Gillam et al. 1999a. Proposal for Improving Internationalization Support in ECMAScript 2.0 (Version 0.3). Ecma TC39 working document. 15 Jan. 1999.

Richard Gillam et al. 1999b. Proposal for Improving Internationalization Support in ECMAScript 2.0 (Version 1.0). Ecma TC39 working document. 29 April 1999.

Google. 2006. Google Web Toolkit(Beta). Google Code Project Page. May 2006. non-archival (superseded; also at Internet Archive 23 May 2006 14:13:21).

Google. 2008a. V8 Benchmark Suite – version 1. Web page. Sept. 2008. non-archival (superseded; also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2008 20:13:17).

Google. 2008b. V8 JavaScript Engine: Design Elements. Web page. 4 Sept. 2008. non-archival (superseded; also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2008 20:17:14).

Google. 2012a. Chromium. Project website. Jan. 2012. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 4 Jan. 2012 01:11:48).

Google. 2012b. Chromium with the Dart VM. Web page. Feb. 2012. non-archival (superseded; also at Internet Archive 18 Feb. 2012 22:45:29).

J. Gosling, B. Joy, and G.L. Steele. 1996. The Java Language Specification. Addison-Wesley. 9780201634518 96031170

Ben Greenman, Asumu Takikawa, Max S. New, Daniel Feltey, Robert Bruce Findler, Jan Vitek, and Matthias Felleisen. 2019. How to evaluate the performance of gradual type systems. J. Funct. Program. 29, e4.

Sacha Greif and Raphaël Benitte. 2019. State of JavaScript Survey – JavaScript Flavors. Web page. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 30 Jan. 2020 23:16:05). The archived pages do not show the data visualizations visible on the original website. The two relevant visualizations are separately archived at Experience Ranking and Section Overview.

Andreas Haas, Andreas Rossberg, Derek L. Schuff, Ben L. Titzer, Michael Holman, Dan Gohman, Luke Wagner, Alon Zakai, and JF Bastien. 2017. Bringing the web up to speed with WebAssembly. Proceedings of the 38th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation - PLDI 2017. 9781450349888

Peter Hallam and Alex Russell. 2011. The Future of JS and You. Video of presentation at NodeConf 2011. 12 May 2011. non-archival (retrieved 6 March 2019)

Christian Plesner Hansen. 2009. Launching Sputnik into Orbit. Chromium Blog. 29 June 2009. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 1 July 2009 03:41:42).

Lars T Hansen. 2007a. Compatibility Between ES3 and Proposed ES4. Ecma/TC39-TG1/2007/046. 29 Nov. 2007.

Lars T Hansen. 2007b. ECMAScript 4 Language Overview White Paper (21 Oct. 2007, 10:32 AM). Message to TC39-TG1 private mailing list. Archived by Ecma International.

Lars T Hansen. 2007c. ECMAScript 4th Edition – Project Editor’s Report. Ecma/TC39-TG1/2007/044. 8 Nov. 2007.

Lars T Hansen. 2007d. Evolutionary Programming and Gradual Typing in ECMAScript 4. Ecma/TC39-TG1/2007/045. 30 Nov. 2007.

Lars T Hansen. 2007e. Proposed ECMAScript 4th Edition – Language Overview (Revised 23 October 2007). Originally published at 23 Oct. 2007.

Lars T Hansen. 2008. Proposed ES4 draft 1. ES4-discuss mailing list (16 May 2008. 16 May 2008. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 5 June 2014 04:58:43).

Lars T Hansen et al. 2008a. Proposed ECMAScript 4th Edition Specification, Core Language Draft 1. Ecma/TC39/2008/042. 16 May 2008.

Lars T Hansen et al. 2008b. Proposed ECMAScript 4th Edition Specification Draft 1. Ecma/TC39/2008/040. 16 May 2008.

Lars T Hansen et al. 2008c. Proposed ECMAScript 4th Edition Specification, Surface Syntax Draft 1. Ecma/TC39/2008/041. 16 May 2008.

Lars T Hansen and Jeff Dyer. 2008. Features to Defer From Proposed ECMAScript 4. ES4-discuss mailing list. 26 Feb. 2008. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 5 June 2014 05:52:40).

David Harel. 2007. Statecharts in the Making: A Personal Account. In Proceedings of the Third ACM SIGPLAN Conference on History of Programming Languages (San Diego, California) (HOPL III). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5-1-5-43. 978-1-59593-766-7

David Herman. 2005. ClassicJavaScript CEKS semantics. Web page. July 2005. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 18 July 2007 12:44:22).

David Herman. 2007. ECMAScript Edition 4 Reference Implementation. Lambda the Ultimate weblog post. 8 June 2007. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 11 June 2007 16:15:19).

David Herman. 2008. Strawman: lambdas. wiki. 13 Oct. 2008. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 15 Oct. 2008 12:56:19).

David Herman. 2010a. Harmony: Generator Expressions. wiki. 25 June 2010. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 26 Sept. 2011 23:27:56).

David Herman. 2010b. modules proposal. es-discuss mailing list. 13 May 2010. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 5 June 2014 01:06:35).

David Herman. 2010c. simple modules. es-discuss mailing list. 29 Jan. 2010. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 5 June 2014 01:49:08).

David Herman. 2010d. Strawman: Array Comprehensions. wiki. 25 June 2010. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 15 Feb. 2011 04:49:42).

David Herman. 2010e. Strawman: Module loaders. wiki. 14 May 2010. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 3 Jan. 2011 06:21:11).

David Herman. 2010f. Strawman: Simple Modules. wiki. 14 May 2010. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 18 Sept. 2010 03:53:07).

David Herman. 2011a. dherman/literal-classes.js. GitHub Gist. 1 Nov. 2011. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 14 March 2018 04:11:33).

David Herman. 2011b. ES6 doesn’t need opt-in. es-discuss mailing list. 31 Dec. 2011. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 13 Oct. 2012 15:17:15).

David Herman. 2011c. minimal classes. es-discuss mailing list. 27 June 2011. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 1 April 2014 03:50:40).

David Herman. 2011d. Strawman: minimal classes. wiki. 11 Nov. 2011. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 25 Dec. 2011 18:47:33).

David Herman. 2011e. Strawman: Pattern Matchings. wiki. 28 Feb. 2011. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 6 Dec. 2011 19:55:12).

David Herman. 2012. One JavaScript. Ecma/TC39/2012/005. 18 Jan. 2012. Presentation at TC39 meeting.

David Herman. 2013a. es6-modules-2013-12-02.pdf. In jorendorff/js-loaders github repository. 2 Dec. 2013. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 3 Sept. 2014 01:02:54).

David Herman. 2013b. Harmony: Module loaders. wiki. 21 May 2013. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 27 July 2013 12:49:51).

David Herman. 2014a. A better future for comprehensions. Ecma/TC39/2014/021. 5 June 2014. Presentation at TC39 meeting.

David Herman. 2014b. Realms API. GitHub Gist. 24 Feb. 2014. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 14 Aug. 2014 22:21:22).

David Herman and Cormac Flanagan. 2007. Status Report: Specifying Javascript with ML. In Proceedings of the 2007 Workshop on Workshop on ML (Freiburg, Germany) (ML ’07). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 47-52. 978-1-59593-676-9

David Herman and Yehuda Katz. 2014. Problem: exposing uninitialized built-in objects. Ecma/TC39/2014/045. Sept. 2014.

David Herman and Sam Tobin-Hochstadt. 2011. Modules for JavaScript: Simple, Compilable, and Dynamic Libraries on the Web. May 2011. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 25 March 2019 18:38:37). Unpublished paper on author’s Web site.

David Herman, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, and Yahuda Katz. 2013. Modules: Use Cases, Semantics. Presentation to TC39. 12 March 2013.

David Herman, Aaron Tomb, and Cormac Flanagan. 2011. Space-efficient gradual typing. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 23, 2 (21 Oct), 167. 1573-0557

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Oliver Hunt. 2009. Problem with Arguments inheriting from Array. es5-discuss mailing list (17 Aug. 2009. 17 Aug. 2009. non-archival) (also at Internet Archive 24 July 2014 03:18:11).

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Kangax. 2010. How ECMAScript 5 still does not allow to subclass an array. Blog post. 15 July 2010. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 20 July 2010 17:05:33).

Yahuda Katz. 2014. JavaScript Modules. Website. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 7 July 2014 22:32:06).

Niall Kennedy. 2008. The story behind Google Chrome. Blog post. 3 Sept. 2008. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 16 Dec. 2008 02:35:45).

Khronos Group. 2011. Typed Array Specification, Version 1.0 08 February 2011. Technical Report. Khronos Group, Beaverton, Oregon USA. non-archival (superseded; also at Internet Archive 1 Aug. 2013 06:45:47).

Gregor Kiczales, Jim Des Rivieres, and Daniel Gureasko Bobrow. 1991. The Art of the Metaobject Protocol. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA. 0262111586

Adam Klein. 2015. An update on Object.observe. es-discuss mailing list. 2 Nov. 2015. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 21 Jan. 2016 21:31:10).

Peter-Paul Koch. 2003. Level 0 DOM. Web page. Dec. 2003. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 5 Dec. 2003 22:39:29).

Kris Kowal. 2009a. CommonJS effort sets JavaScript on path for world domination. (1 Dec.). non-archival (also at Internet Archive 23 June 2018 10:14:04).

Kris Kowal. 2009b. Hermetic Evaluation, Modules Strawman. es-discuss mailing list. 30 Sept. 2009. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 5 June 2014 02:36:53).

Kris Kowal and Ihab A.B. Awad. 2009a. Module System for ES-Harmony. Ecma/TC39/2009/011. 11 Feb. 2009.

Kris Kowal and Ihab A.B. Awad. 2009b. Module System for ES-Harmony (Revised). Online document. Sept. 2009. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 22 March 2019 16:08:16).

Paul Krill. 2011. InfoWorld interview: Why Google Dart beats JavaScript. InfoWorld (15 Nov.). non-archival (also at Internet Archive 5 Oct. 2014 04:38:03).

Pratap Lakshman. 2007a. Discussion: Browser Profile. wiki. 11 March 2007. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 3 Nov. 2007 15:16:03).

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Pratap Lakshman et al. 2008. ECMAScript 3.1 Draft Specification (28 May 2008). wiki. 28 May 2008.

Pratap Lakshman, Allen Wirfs-Brock, et al. 2009. Final draft Standard ECMA-262 5th edition (28 April 2009). Ecma/TC39/2009/025.

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Microsoft. 2009b. JScript Version Information. Web page. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 11 Feb. 2009 11:41:02).

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Microsoft. 2019. Website. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 4 April 2019 22:40:13).

Jim Miller. 2007. TC39 Chairman’s Report to Coordinating Committee. Ecma/TC39/2007/002. 4 May 2007. source.

Mark Samuel Miller. 2006. Robust Composition: Towards a Unified Approach to Access Control and Concurrency Control. Ph.D. Dissertation. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA. Advisor(s) Shapiro, Jonathan S. non-archival source (Some typo fixes and wording improvements). Archived at Internet Archive.

Mark S. Miller. 2008a. Comments regarding: defineProperty/getProperty design sketch. es-discuss mailing list. 23 April 2008. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 5 June 2014 05:22:39).

Mark S. Miller. 2008b. Controlling DontEnum (was: ES4 draft: Object). es-discuss mailing list. 13 March 2008. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 5 June 2014 05:29:45).

Mark S. Miller. 2008c. How much sugar do classes need? es-discuss mailing list. 22 Nov. 2008. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 18 July 2010 15:40:33).

Mark S. Miller. 2008d. Look Ma, no "this". es-discuss mailing list. 19 Aug. 2008. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 2 Nov. 2011 18:08:09).

Mark S. Miller. 2009. Classes as Sugar ś old threads revisited (1 of 2). es-discuss mailing list. 30 March 2009. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 5 June 2014 03:26:19).

Mark S. Miller. 2010a. Classes as Sugar. wiki. 20 Nov. 2010. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 3 Nov. 2011 00:15:25).

Mark S. Miller. 2010b. States and transitions of the attributes of an EcmaScript 5 property. wiki. 3 Aug. 2010. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 14 May 2013 18:20:10).

Mark S. Miller. 2010c. Strawman: Guards. wiki. 12 Dec. 2010. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 18 Feb. 2011 15:54:02).

Mark S. Miller. 2010d. Syntax for Efficient Traits. wiki. 22 Sept. 2010. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 14 Nov. 2011 23:17:12).

Mark S. Miller. 2011a. Classes with Trait Composition. wiki. 9 May 2011. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 19 Aug. 2011 13:58:29).

Mark S. Miller. 2011b. Harmony Classes. wiki. 9 June 2011. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 2 July 2011 20:26:24).

Mark S. Miller. 2018. Regarding: Private members break proxies. GitHub issue comment. 17 June 2018. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 29 July 2019 16:31:47).

Mark S. Miller, Mike Samuel, Ben Laurie, Ihab Awad, and Mike Stay. 2008. Caja: Safe active content in sanitized JavaScript. Google white paper. July 2008. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 4 July 2008 19:08:28).

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Robin Milner, Mads Tofte, and David Macqueen. 1997. The Definition of Standard ML. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA. ISBN 0262631814.

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Eric Miraglia. 2007. A JavaScript Module Pattern. Blog post on Yahoo! User Interface Blog. 12 June 2007. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 2 July 2007 02:37:33).

Neil Mix. 2008a. Attribute defaults for Object.defineProperty. es-discuss mailing list. 21 Aug. 2008. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 2 Nov. 2011 18:46:47).

Neil Mix. 2008b. Controlling DontEnum (was: ES4 draft: Object). es-discuss mailing list. 13 March 2008. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 5 June 2014 05:29:40).

Gordon E. Moore. 1975. Progress in digital integrated electronics. IEDM Tech. Digest 11, 11ś13.

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Mozilla. 2008b. New in JavaScript 1.8. Web page. Aug. 2008. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 31 Aug. 2008 00:53:07).

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Netscape. 1995b. Release Notes: Netscape Naviagor 2.0b1. Web page. Oct. 1995. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 19 April 1997 16:05:10).

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Netscape. 1996e. Netscape 3.0 JavaScript Guide. Online manual. Aug. 1996. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 14 June 1997 04:24:41).

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Netscape. 1996g. Release Notes: Netscape Navigator for Window, Atlas Preview Release 2. Web page. May 1996. nonarchival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 12 May 1996 20:39:09). These are the release notes for Navigator 3.0b3.

Netscape. 1997a. JavaScript Security in Communicator 4.x. Online manual. 30 Sept. 1997. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 5 Dec. 1998 07:14:22).

Netscape. 1997b. Netscape Communicator 3.0.2 Source Tree. The Internet Archive Software Collection. Archived at Internet Archive (28 Oct. 2011) This archive consists of a .zip file containing the complete source code tree used to build Netscape Communicator 3.0.2. The the directory named "mocha" contains the source code for the Mocha JavaScript engine.

Netscape. 1997c. What’s New in JavaScript for Navigator 4.0: Introduction. Online manual. June 1997. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 30 June 1997 09:26:41). Introduction to JavaScript 1.2 new features.

Netscape. 1997d. What’s New in JavaScript for Navigator 4.0: Operators. Online manual. June 1997. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 30 June 1997 09:27:41). Describes new operators in JavaScript 1.2.

Netscape. 2000. Core JavaScript Guide 1.5. Online manual. 28 Sept. 2000. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 26 Oct. 2002 08:43:19).

Netscape and Sun. 1995. Netscape and Sun Announce Javascript, the Open, Cross-platform Object Scripting Language for Enterprise Networks and the Internet 0. Press Release. 4 Dec. 1995. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 14 June 1997 00:28:09).

Oscar Nierstrasz. 2000. Identify the Champion, An Organisational Pattern Language for Programme Committees. Pattern Languages of Program Design 4, 539ś556. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 28 July 2009 09:42:27).

Shanku Niyogi. 2010. The New JavaScript Engine in Internet Explorer 9. Microsoft IEBlog. 18 March 2010. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 9 March 2016 20:23:17).

Node Foundation. 2018. About the Node.js Foundation. Web page. Aug. 2018. non-archival source (superseded; also at Internet Archive 13 Aug. 2018 16:47:01). The archived page includes a history of the Node Foundation. In 2020, this URL redirects to a generic page about the OpenJS Foundation.

Node Project. 2009. Website. Aug. 2009. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 17 Aug. 2009 19:00:07).

Brent Noorda. 2012. History of Nombas. Web page. April 2012. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 12 Nov. 2013 23:52:57).

Bob Nystrom. 2011. Harmonious Classes. TC39 working document. May 2011. PDF

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Jason Orendorff and David Herman. 2014. js-loaders repository. GitHub repository. 28 Feb. 2014. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 14 Aug. 2014 22:21:22).

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Seymour Papert. 1980. Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas. Basic Books, Inc., New York, NY, USA. 0-465-04627-4

S Prasanna. 2002. Microsoft’s VJ#.Net is made in India. Express Computer (29 July). non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 28 Nov. 2013 17:03:55).

Valerio Proietti. 2006. Website. 24 Oct. 2006. non-archival source (superseded; also at Internet Archive 24 Oct. 2006 03:25:26).

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Dave Raggett. 1999c. ECMA TC39 Working Group (technical) meeting notes ś 19 February 1999. source

Dave Raggett. 1999d. ECMAScript Modularity SubGroup Meeting ś 25th March 1999. Ecma/TC39/1999/006. source

Dave Raggett. 2000. ECMA TC39 meetings 20th January 2000. source

Dave Raggett, Chris Dollin, and Steve Leach. 1998. Spice documentation. 27 Sept. 1998. source

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John Resig. 2006. jQuery: New Wave Javascript. Website. 3 Feb. 2006. non-archival source (superseded; also at Internet Archive 3 Feb. 2006 02:57:10). This is the original jQuery website home page.

Reuters. 2000. Microsoft Dominates Browser Battle. PC (27 June). non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 20 Oct. 2000 22:46:08).

Andreas Rossberg. 2013. Harmony: Refutable Patterns. wiki. 21 March 2013. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 5 June 2013 01:52:14).

Alex Russell et al. 2005. doj¯ o the browser toolkit. Website. 1 Sept. 2005. non-archival source (superseded; also at Internet Archive 1 Sept. 2005 04:43:03). The home page of the early Dojo toolkit website

Srivats Sampath. 1996. Netscape Application for Associate membership. Ecma/GA/1996/098. 10 Oct. 1996. source

John Schneider, Rok Yu, and Jeff Dyer (Eds.). 2005. ECMA-357, 2nd Edition: ECMAScript for XML (E4X) Specification. Ecma International, Geneva, Switzerland (Dec.). source

William A. Schulze. 2004a. TG1 Convener’s Report to TC39s. Ecma/TC39-TG1/2004/006. 24 Sept. 2004. source

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Peter Seibel. 2009. Coders at work: Reflections on the craft of programming. Apress.

Rawn Shah. 1996. Bending over backward to make JavaScript work on 14 platforms. JavaWorld 1, 2 (18 April). non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 4 Jan. 1997 12:22:16).

Remy Sharp. 2010. What is a Polyfill? Blog post. Oct. 2010. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 5 Oct. 2012 20:21:13).

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Maciej Stachowiak. 2007a. Announcing SunSpider 0.9. blog post. 18 Dec. 2007. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 21 Dec. 2007 05:57:44).

Maciej Stachowiak. 2007b. RE: Refocus (16 March 2007, 6:21 PM). Message to TC39-TG1 private mailing list. Archived by Ecma International.

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Sam Stephenson et al. 2007. Prototype JavaScript Framework. Project Website 25 Jan 2007. 25 Jan. 2007. non-archival source (superseded; also at Internet Archive 25 Jan. 2007 18:19:49). This is an early version of the jQuery Prototype framework home page.

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TC39. 1997f. Minutes for the 3rd meeting of TC39, 18-19 March 1997. Ecma/TC39/1997/018. source

TC39. 1997g. Minutes for the 4th meeting of TC39. July 15-16, 2007. Ecma/TC39/1997/030. source

TC39. 1997h. Minutes for the 5th meeting of TC39. September 16-17, 1997. Ecma/TC39/1997/039. source

TC39. 1998a. Disposition of Comments Report for DIS-16262. Ecma/TC39/1998/010. 15 June 1998. source

TC39. 1998b. ECMA comments ISO/IEC DIS 16262, ECMAScript. Ecma/TC39/1998/005. 1 April 1998. source

TC39. 1998c. ECMA TC39 technical meeting - 19 February 1998. source

TC39. 1998d. ECMA TC39 Technical Meeting - March 20, 1998. source

TC39. 1998e. Letter ballot results for DIS 16262. Ecma/TC39/1998/007. 4 May 1998. source

TC39. 1999a. ECMA TC39 meetings 14th-15th November 1999. source

TC39. 1999b. ECMA TC39 meetings 23-24th September 1999. source

TC39. 1999c. ECMA TC39 Working Group - Futures list, as of 1999.03.30. Ecma/TC39/1999/004. 30 March 1999. source

TC39. 1999d. ECMA TC39 Working Group - Futures list, as of 1999.11.15. 15 Nov. 1999. source

TC39. 1999e. ECMAScript Language Specification, Edition 3 Final Draft. (14 Oct. 1999). Ecma/TC39/1999/015. 14 Oct. 1999. source

TC39. 2003. TC39 Email Reflector. From January 2003 through November 2016, TC39 and TC39-TG1 used an email list server operated by the Ecma Secretariat. This was called the TC39-TG1 (and later just TC39) Reflector. It was a private distribution list used for communications among TC39 delegates and with the Ecma Secretariat. Ecma has electronic archives of the messages sent to this list, but as of 2020 they have not been made public. The archived messages were available to the authors of this paper. Requests to access these archives should be submitted to the Ecma Secretary General.

TC39. 2007. ES Wiki. non-archival source (broken). Archived at Originally named "ES4 Wiki" it was renamed to "ES Wiki" in August 2008. From September 2007 through 2015, TC39 used to capture and host ECMAScript feature proposals and other materials. That wiki is no longer operational but much of its content is accessible using It is necessary to move around the capture timeline to access some of the older material.

TC39. 2007. Minutes for the Ecma TC39-TG1 held in San Francisco, CA on 8-9 November 2007. Ecma/TC39/2007/012. source

TC39. 2008a. Minutes for the 7th meeting of Ecma TC39. Ecma/TC39/2008/105. 20 Nov. 2008. source

TC39. 2008b. Minutes of the 1st meeting of Ecma TC39 Special group on Secure ECMAScript. Ecma/TC39/2008/079. 28 Aug. 2008. source

TC39. 2008c. Minutes of the TC39 ES3.1WG meeting of 26 March 2008. Ecma/TC39/2008/028. source

TC39. 2008d. Minutes of the TC39 ES3.1WG teleconference of 21 February 2008. Ecma/TC39/2008/013. source

TC39. 2008e. Presentations at the 1st meeting of Ecma TC39 Special group on Secure ECMAScript. Ecma/TC39/2008/086. 28 Aug. 2008. source

TC39. 2008f. Revised Agenda for the 5th meeting of Ecma TC39. Ecma/TC39/2008/054-Rev1. 19 July 2008. source

TC39. 2008g. Revised Minutes of the 5th meeting of Ecma TC39 23-25 July 2008. Ecma/TC39/2008/067-Rev1. 30 Sept. 2008. source

TC39. 2009a. Minutes for the 11th meeting of Ecma TC39 29-30 July 2009. Ecma/TC39/2009/037-Rev1. source

TC39. 2009b. Minutes for the 12th meeting of Ecma TC39 23-24 September 2009. Ecma/TC39/2009/045. source

TC39. 2009c. Minutes for the 8th meeting of Ecma TC39 28-29 January 2009. Ecma/TC39/2009/008-Rev1. source

TC39. 2009d. Minutes for the 9th meeting of Ecma TC39 25-26 March 2009. Ecma/TC39/2009/022. source

TC39. 2010. Minutes for the 16th meeting of Ecma TC39 24-25 May 2010. Ecma/TC39/2010/028. source

TC39. 2011a. Draft Minutes for the 23rd meeting of Ecma TC39 27-28 July 2011. Ecma/TC39/2011/037. source

TC39. 2011b. Minutes for the 22nd meeting of Ecma TC39 24-26 May 2011. Ecma/TC39/2011/028. source

TC39. 2012a. Minutes for the 27th meeting of Ecma TC39, Revision 2. Ecma/TC39/2012/020-rev2. 30 March 2012. source

TC39. 2012b. Minutes for the 28th meeting of Ecma TC39. Ecma/TC39/2012/034. 23 May 2012. source

TC39. 2012c. Minutes for the 29th meeting of Ecma TC39. Ecma/TC39/2012/056. 24 July 2012. source

TC39. 2013a. March 14, 2013 Meeting Notes. source

TC39. 2013b. Minutes for the 32nd meeting of Ecma TC39 January 29-31, 2013. Ecma/TC39/2013/009. source

TC39. 2013c. Minutes for the 36th meeting of Ecma TC39. Ecma/TC39/2013/055. 17 Sept. 2013. source

TC39. 2014a. July 30, 2014 Meeting Notes. source

TC39. 2014b. Minutes for the 42th meeting of Ecma TC39. Ecma/TC39/2014/051. 25 Sept. 2014. source

TC39. 2015a. January 27, 2015 Meeting Notes. source

TC39. 2015b. Minutes for the 45th meeting of Ecma TC39. Ecma/TC39/2015/031. 17 March 2015. source

TC39 et al. 2006. The es-discuss Archives. Email forum hosted by non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 6 Nov. 2017 17:08:35). Originally named es4-discuss. Renamed in August 2008.

TC39 et al. 2008. The es5-discuss Archives. Email forum hosted by April 2008. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 14 Jan. 2019 10:49:03). Originally named es3.1-discuss. Renamed in March 2009.

TC39 et al. 2016. TC39 Bugzilla Archive, 2011ś2015. non-archival source This is a formatted listing of a data export from the original TC39 Bugzilla server.

TC39 ES4. 2006a. Catchall proposal. wiki. Nov. 2006. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 20 Oct. 2007 08:25:39).

TC39 ES4. 2006b. Clarification: Type System. ES4 Wiki. 23 Aug. 2006. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 14 Jan. 2007 06:19:15).

TC39 ES4. 2006c. Expression Closures proposal. wiki. Sept. 2006. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 20 Oct. 2007 08:26:04).

TC39 ES4. 2006d. Proposals: Structural types and typing of initializers. ES4 Wiki. 17 June 2006. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 17 June 2006 07:44:06).

TC39 ES4. 2007a. Clarification: Formal Type System. ES4 Wiki. 16 Jan. 2007. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 16 Jan. 2007 07:21:22).

TC39 ES4. 2007b. Clarification: Type System. wiki. 7 July 2007. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 8 Nov. 2007 07:52:29).

TC39 ES4. 2007c. ECMAScript Documentation. website. 27 Oct. 2007. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 27 Oct. 2007 09:38:37).

TC39 ES4. 2007d. ES4 Pre Release M0 Source. website. 8 June 2007. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 31 Oct. 2007 13:08:00). This is the first public source code release of the ES42 reference implementation. The final source code as of the termination of the project in July 2008 is at non-archival source.

TC39 ES4. 2007e. Proposals for modifying the spec. wiki. 29 Sept. 2007. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 20 Oct. 2007 01:50:54).

TC39 ES4. 2007f. Proposals: Inactive. wiki. 29 Sept. 2007. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 20 Oct. 2007 08:26:35).

TC39 ES4. 2007g. Public snapshot of TC39-TG1’s private ES4 wiki. Jan. 2007. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 3 Jan. 2007 22:37:12).

TC39 Harmony. 2008. Strawman Proposals. wiki. 21 Nov. 2008. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 22 Dec. 2008 19:08:52).

TC39 Harmony. 2009. Strawman Proposals. wiki. 3 Aug. 2009. non-archival source (also at Internet Archive 18 Aug. 2009 15:32:07).

TC39 Harmony. 2010a. Deferred Proposals. wiki. 23 Nov. 2010. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 6 Dec. 2011 19:08:02).

TC39 Harmony. 2010b. Strawman Proposals. wiki. 22 Dec. 2010. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 31 Dec. 2010 08:39:07).

TC39 Harmony. 2010c. Strawman: Shorter function syntax. wiki. May 2010. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 22 Jan. 2011 01:14:36).

TC39 Harmony. 2011a. Harmony Proposals. wiki. 23 March 2011. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 24 April 2011 16:23:26).

TC39 Harmony. 2011b. Harmony Proposals. wiki. 1 June 2011. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 25 June 2011 00:55:57).

TC39 Harmony. 2011c. Strawman Proposals. wiki. 28 April 2011. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 1 May 2011 19:23:03).

TC39 Harmony. 2014. Harmony Proposals. wiki. 30 Jan. 2014. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 14 Feb. 2014 12:05:27).

TC39 Harmony. 2015. Harmony: Specification Drafts. wiki. 17 April 2015. non-archival source (broken; also at Internet Archive 19 April 2015 08:03:39).

TC39-TG1. 2005. Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 September 22, 2005. Ecma/TC39-TG1/2005/006. source

TC39-TG1. 2006a. Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 April 21, 2006. Ecma/TC39-TG1/2006/020. source

TC39-TG1. 2006b. Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 February 16, 2006. Ecma/TC39-TG1/2006/011. source

TC39-TG1. 2006c. Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 July 27-28, 2006. Ecma/TC39-TG1/2006/032. source

TC39-TG1. 2006d. Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 March 16, 2006. Ecma/TC39-TG1/2006/015. source

TC39-TG1. 2006e. Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 October 19-20, 2006. Ecma/TC39-TG1/2006/041. source

TC39-TG1. 2007a. Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 April 18-20, 2007. Ecma/TC39-TG1/2007/017. source

TC39-TG1. 2007b. Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 February 22-23, 2007. Ecma/TC39-TG1/2007/025. source

TC39-TG1. 2007c. Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 January 18-19, 2007. Ecma/TC39-TG1/2007/013. source

TC39-TG1. 2007d. Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 July 19-20, 2007. Ecma/TC39-TG1/2007/036. source

R.D. Tennent. 1981. Principles of programming languages. Prentice/Hall International. 9780137098736 80024271

Brian Terlson. 2012. Real World Func Decl in Block Scope Breakages. es-discuss mailing list. 26 Dec. 2012. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 4 June 2014 15:53:17).

Sam Tobin-Hochstadt. 2010. simple modules. es-discuss mailing list. 4 Feb. 2010. non-archival pipermail/es-discuss/2010-February/010782.html (also at Internet Archive 5 June 2014 01:27:32).

Sam Tobin-Hochstadt and David Herman. 2010. Simple Modules. Ecma/TC39/2010/017. 24 March 2010. Presentation at TC39 meeting.

Traceur Project. 2011a. traceur-compiler project. Google Code Project. 5 May 2011. non-archival com/p/traceur-compiler/ (superseded; also at Internet Archive 5 May 2011 01:15:49). The Traceur GitHub repository non-archival

Traceur Project. 2011b. Traceur Language Features - Classes. Google Code Project. 4 May 2011. non-archival http: // (superseded; also at Internet Archive 7 May 2011 11:59:13).

David Ungar and Randall B. Smith. 1987. Self: The Power of Simplicity. In Conference Proceedings on Object-oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications (Orlando, Florida, USA) (OOPSLA ’87). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 227ś242. 0-89791-247-0

Tom Van Cutsem. 2009. Catch-all proposal based on proxies. es-discuss mailing list. 7 Dec. 2009. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 6 Aug. 2013 07:15:18).

Tom Van Cutsem. 2011. Direct proxies strawman. es-discuss mailing list. 17 Oct. 2011. non-archival https://mail.mozilla. org/pipermail/es-discuss/2011-October/017466.html (also at Internet Archive 4 June 2014 20:08:02).

Tom Van Cutsem. 2013. Notification Proxies. Blog Post. 22 May 2013. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 22 Jan. 2017 02:37:05).

Tom Van Cutsem and Mark S. Miller. 2010a. Catch-all Proxies. wiki. March 2010. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 24 March 2010 21:47:41).

Tom Van Cutsem and Mark S. Miller. 2010b. Proxies: Design Principles for Robust Object-oriented Intercession APIs. In Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Dynamic Languages (Reno/Tahoe, Nevada, USA) (DLS ’10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 59ś72. 978-1-4503-0405-4

Tom Van Cutsem and Mark S. Miller. 2010c. Proxies Strawman Proposal. Ecma/TC39/2010/007. 27 Jan. 2010. https: // Presentation at TC39 meeting.

Tom Van Cutsem and Mark S. Miller. 2011a. Direct Proxy Spec. wiki. 23 Dec. 2011. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 14 May 2012 05:55:57).

Tom Van Cutsem and Mark S. Miller. 2011b. Strawman: Direct Proxies. wiki. 23 Nov. 2011. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 13 July 2012 16:15:48).

Tom Van Cutsem and Mark S. Miller. 2011c. Traits.Js: Robust Object Composition and High-integrity Objects for Ecmascript 5. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Programming Language and Systems Technologies for Internet Clients (Portland, Oregon, USA) (PLASTIC ’11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1ś8. 978-1-4503-1171-7 https: //

Tom Van Cutsem and Mark S. Miller. 2012. Proposal: Direct Proxies. wiki. 22 March 2012. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 23 April 2012 15:01:31).

Tom Van Cutsem and Mark S. Miller. 2013. Trustworthy Proxies: Virtualizing Objects with Invariants. In Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (Montpellier, France) (ECOOP’13). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 154ś178. 978-3-642-39037-1

Jim Van Eaton. 2005. Outlook Web Access - A catalyst for web evolution. Microsoft Exchange Team Blog. 21 June 2005. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 23 June 2006 17:50:04).

Markku Vartiainen (Ed.). 2001. ECMA-327, ECMAScript 3rd Edition Compact Profile. Ecma International, Geneva, Switzerland (June).

Herman Venter. 1998a. instanceof proposal. Ecma TC39 working document. 5 March 1998. https://www.ecma-international. org/archive/ecmascript/1998/TC39WG/980305-instance.pdf

Herman Venter. 1998b. Revised section 12. Ecma TC39 working document. 5 March 1998. https://www.ecma-international. org/archive/ecmascript/1998/TC39WG/980305-labelled.pdf

Herman Venter. 1998c. Updates for section 12. Ecma TC39 working document. 22 April 1998.

Eelco Visser. 2001. Stratego: A Language for Program Transformation Based on Rewriting Strategies. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA ’01). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 357ś362. 3-540-42117-3

W3C. 1998. Shaping the Future of HTML. W3C web pages. May 1998. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 3 July 1998 15:57:23). Record of W3C workshop held 4ś5 May 1998.

Richard Wagner (Ed.). 1999. ECMA-290: ECMAScript Components Specification. Ecma International, Geneva, Switzerland (June).

Richard Wagner and Chip Shapley. 1998. ECMAScript Components Technical Specification. (25 June 1998). Ecma/TC39/1998/011. 25 June 1998.

Joe Walker. 2018. The Brave Cookie Monster-Brendan Eich. The Jolly Swagman Podcast Episode 50. 29 May 2018. Audio recording non-archival (also at Internet Archive 12 Feb. 2020 16:44:00). Show Notes non-archival

Rafael Weinstein. 2012. Harmony: Observe. wiki. 16 March 2012. non-archival 80/doku.php?id=harmony:observe (broken; also at Internet Archive 16 Nov. 2012 14:24:41).

Rafael Weinstein and Dmitry Lomov. 2013. Post-ES6 Spec Process. Presentation to TC39. 18 Sept. 2013. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 24 July 2014 03:33:36).

Rafael Weinstein and Allen Wirfs-Brock. 2013. TC-39 Process. Ecma/TC39/2013/062. Nov. 2013.

Robert Welland et al. 1996. The JScript Language Specification, Version 0.1. Ecma/TC39/1996/005. Nov. 1996. https: //

Robert Welland, Shon Katzenberger, and Peter Kukol. 2018. Oral history of members of original Microsoft JScript development team. 22 March 2018. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 7 March 2020 17:37:32). Audio recording, duration 52:44. Interviewer Allen Wirfs-Brock.

Wikinews. 2007. Wikinews interviews World Wide Web co-inventor Robert Cailliau. Wikinew website. 16 Aug. 2007. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 5 Dec. 2007 22:04:09).

Wikipedia. 2019. Embrace, extend, and extinguishÐWikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. non-archival https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguish (retrieved 25 July 2019)

Scott Wiltamuth. 1997a. 1/15 working group meeting notes. Ecma/TC39/1997/005. archive/ecmascript/1997/TC39/97-005.pdf

Scott Wiltamuth. 1997b. 1/24 working group notes. Ecma/TC39/1997/008. ecmascript/1997/TC39/97-008.pdf

Scott Wiltamuth. 1997c. 4/16 Working group meeting notes. Ecma/TC39/1997/025. archive/ecmascript/1997/TC39/97-025.pdf

Scott Wiltamuth. 1997d. Notes from the 1/31 working group meeting. Ecma/TC39/1997/009. https://www.ecma-international. org/archive/ecmascript/1997/TC39/97-009.pdf

Scott Wiltamuth. 1997e. Notes from the 2/11 conference call. Ecma/TC39/1997/010. archive/ecmascript/1997/TC39/97-010.pdf

Scott Wiltamuth. 1997f. Notes from the 2/14 working group meeting. Ecma/TC39/1997/015. https://www.ecma-international. org/archive/ecmascript/1997/TC39/97-015.pdf

Scott Wiltamuth. 1997g. Notes from the 2/28 working group meeting. Ecma/TC39/1997/012. https://www.ecma-international. org/archive/ecmascript/1997/TC39/97-012.pdf

Scott Wiltamuth. 1997h. Notes from the 3/14 working group meeting. Ecma/TC39/1997/024. https://www.ecma-international. org/archive/ecmascript/1997/TC39/97-024.pdf

Scott Wiltamuth. 1997i. Notes from the 3/18 TC39 technical meeting. Ecma/TC39/1997/026. https://www.ecma-international. org/archive/ecmascript/1997/TC39/97-026.pdf

Scott Wiltamuth. 1997j. Selecting a new name to replace "ECMAScript". Ecma/TC39/1997/002. 14 Jan. 1997. https: //

Nick Wingfield. 1995. Microsoft storms the Web. InfoWorld 17, 50 (11 Dec.), 1. non-archival https: // pg=PP3#v=onepage&q&f=false (also at Internet Archive 27 Feb. 2020 21:15:10).

Allen Wirfs-Brock. 2007a. Implementation Loopholes In ECMAScript, 3rd Edition. wiki. Aug. 2007.

Allen Wirfs-Brock. 2007b. Mozilla Extensions to ECMAScript, 3rd Edition. wiki. Aug. 2007. https: //

Allen Wirfs-Brock. 2007c. Re: ECMAScript 4 Language Overview White Paper (23 Oct. 2007, 5:47 AM). Message to TC39-TG1 private mailing list. Archived by Ecma International.

Allen Wirfs-Brock. 2008. Proposed ECMAScript 3.1 Static Object Functions: Use Cases and Rationale. wiki. 26 Aug. 2008. methodsaug26.pdf

Allen Wirfs-Brock. 2009. definitional interpreter for ECMAScript 5 implemented using ECMAScript. Ecma/TC39/2009/052. Oct. 2009.

Allen Wirfs-Brock. 2010. simple modules. es-discuss mailing list. 3 Feb. 2010. non-archival pipermail/es-discuss/2010-February/010776.html (also at Internet Archive 5 June 2014 01:27:16).

Allen Wirfs-Brock. 2011a. Declarative Object and Class Abstractions Based Upon Extended Object Initialisers. Ecma/TC39/2011/019. 23 March 2011. 019.pdf

Allen Wirfs-Brock (Ed.). 2011b. ECMA-262, Edition 5.1: ECMAScript Language Specification. Ecma International, Geneva, Switzerland (June).

Allen Wirfs-Brock. 2011c. Other Object Initialiser Property Modifiers. wiki. 23 March 2011. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 15 May 2013 09:27:24).

Allen Wirfs-Brock. 2011d. Strawman: Declarative Object and Class Abstractions Based Upon Extended Object Initialisers. wiki. March 2011. non-archival extensions (broken; also at Internet Archive 22 Aug. 2011 01:33:07).

Allen Wirfs-Brock. 2012a. Block Lambdas: break and continue. es-discuss mailing list. 14 Jan. 2012. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 4 June 2014 18:55:57).

Allen Wirfs-Brock. 2012b. ES6 Max-min class semantics with TC39 decision annotations. Ecma/TC39/2012/054 with annotations. 26 July 2012.

Allen Wirfs-Brock. 2012c. ES6 Subclassing Built-ins. Ecma/TC39/2012/misc5. July 2012. https://www.ecma-international. org/archive/ecmascript/2012/misc/2012misc5.pdf Presentation slides at July 2012 TC39 meeting.

Allen Wirfs-Brock. 2012d. Strawman: maximally minimal classes. wiki. 25 March 2012. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 26 April 2012 12:54:28).

Allen Wirfs-Brock. 2012e. "Subclassing" Built-in Constructors. wiki. non-archival http://wiki.ecmascript. org/doku.php?id=strawman:subclassable-builtins (broken; also at Internet Archive 15 May 2013 08:39:50).

Allen Wirfs-Brock. 2013. Making Built-in and Exotic Objects Subclassable. Ecma/TC39/2013/misc1. 29 Jan. 2013. https: // Presentation slides at January 2013 TC39 meeting.

Allen Wirfs-Brock (Ed.). 2015a. ECMA-262, 6th Edition: ECMAScript 2015 Language Specification. Ecma International, Geneva, Switzerland (June). 206th%20edition%20June%202015.pdf

Allen Wirfs-Brock. 2015b. ES6 super [[construct]] proposal. Ecma/TC39/2015/misc1. Jan. 2015.

Allen Wirfs-Brock et al. 2007. Position Statement to TC39-TG1 Regarding the Evolution of ECMAScript. Ecma/TC39- TG1/2007/042. 7 Nov. 2007.

Allen Wirfs-Brock et al. 2011a. Draft Specification for July 12, 2011. wiki. 12 July 2011. nonarchival (broken; also at Internet Archive 13 Aug. 2011 14:59:41).

Allen Wirfs-Brock et al. 2011b. Draft Standard ECMA-262 6th Edition, Rev 1. Ecma/TC39/2011/032. 11 July 2011. https: //

Allen Wirfs-Brock et al. 2012a. Draft Specification for Feb. 27, 2012. wiki. 27 Feb. 2012. nonarchival (broken; also at Internet Archive 4 May 2012 04:11:39).

Allen Wirfs-Brock et al. 2012b. Draft Specification for Sept. 27, 2012. wiki. 27 Sept. 2012. nonarchival (broken; also at Internet Archive 13 Jan. 2013 13:46:59).

Allen Wirfs-Brock et al. 2012c. Sixth draft, Standard ECMA-262 6th edition. Ecma/TC39/2012/071. 27 Sept. 2012. https: //

Allen Wirfs-Brock et al. 2014a. Draft Specification for January 20, 2014 Draft Rev 22. wiki. 20 Jan. 2014. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 23 Jan. 2014 03:43:28).

Allen Wirfs-Brock et al. 2014b. Draft Specification for October 14, 2014 Draft Rev 28. wiki. 14 Oct. 2014. non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 28 Oct. 2014 07:21:19).

Allen Wirfs-Brock et al. 2014c. Presentation: Instantiation Reform. Ecma/TC39/2014/032. 26 July 2014.

Allen Wirfs-Brock et al. 2014d. Presentation: Object Instantiation Redo. Ecma/TC39/2014/046. Sept. 2014.

Allen Wirfs-Brock et al. 2015a. Draft Specification for April 14, 2015 Draft Rev 38. wiki. 14 April 2015. Originally at non-archival (broken; also at Internet Archive 19 April 2015 08:03:39).

Allen Wirfs-Brock et al. 2015b. Draft Specification for March 17, 2015 Draft Rev 36. wiki. 17 March 2015. non-archival release_candidate_3 (broken; also at Internet Archive 24 March 2015 06:04:22).

Allen Wirfs-Brock et al. 2015c. Final draft Standard ECMA-262 6th Edition. Ecma/TC39/2015/030. April 2015. https: //

Allen Wirfs-Brock and Douglas Crockford. 2007. Notes from 8/16/07 Allen Wirfs-Brock and Douglas Crockford work session. wiki.

W3Techs. 2010. Usage of javascript libraries for websites. W3Techs Web Technology Surveys. April 2010. 2010 data non-archival (superseded; also at Internet Archive 23 April 2010 04:16:17). Current data non-archival

Yahoo! Developer Network. 2008. YUI Core. Online documentation. Sept. 2008. non-archival 80/yui/3/yui/#core (broken; also at Internet Archive 10 Sept. 2008 00:24:03).

Alon Zakai. 2011. Emscripten: An LLVM-to-JavaScript Compiler. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference Companion on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications Companion (Portland, Oregon, USA) (OOPSLA ’11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 301ś312. 978-1-4503-0942-4

Jamie Zawinski. 1999. the netscape dorm. Web page on 8 Nov. 1999. non-archival gruntle/nscpdorm.html (superseded; also at Internet Archive 8 Nov. 1999 22:25:35). In 2014 the original Web page was changed to begin with a disavowal of the startup culture descibed in the essay. That version is what is currently accessed via non-archival

Boris Zbarsky. 2014. RE: @@new. es-discuss mailing list. 17 June 2014. non-archival (also at Internet Archive 23 July 2014 23:17:30).