본문으로 건너뛰기

D. 약어와 두문자어

AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

API Application Program Interface

CC Co-Ordinating Committee-Ecma International’s management committee

CLR Common Language Runtime component of Microsoft .NET

CSP Content Security Policy

CSS Cascading Style Sheets


DOM Document Object Model

GA General Assembly-Semi-annual meeting of all Ecma members

GCC GNU C Compiler

GWT Google Web Toolkit

HTML Hypertext Markup Language

IE Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser

IIFE Immediately Invoked Function Expression

I18N Internationalization (18 letters between "I" and "n")

JIT Just In Time compiler

JVM Java Virtual Machine

MOP Metaobject Protocol

NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications

OCAP Object Capability

OMG Object Management Group

POSIX Portable Operating System Interface modeled on UNIX

RFP Request For Proposal

SES Secure ECMAScript

TC A Technical Committee of Ecma International

TDZ Temporal Dead Zone

TG A Task Group within an Ecma International TC

VM Virtual Machine

WG A Working Group-an ad hoc group within an Ecma TC or TG